Niagara Falls are stunning, breathtakingly beautiful during the day as well as lit up at night in the colours of the rainbow. Naturally, there were huge crowds all along the walkway overlooking both sets of falls, but this didn't take away from the majestic views. I must admit that I was surprised by the commercial, neon mecca that has taken over the city. Now, I haven't been here since I was a kid, but the whole town has become a sort of Las Vegas
esque strip with carnival attractions, over priced food, casinos and cheap souvenir shops. While interesting to walk through once, I was cringing at the amounts of money that some families would be spending on their vacation. I guess tourism is definitely alive and well in the province of Ontario.
Next stop: the border.
The falls are truly breathtaking. The force and speed of the water never ceases to amaze. Did you notice any differences between the American and the Canadian side? Was the Las Vegas-ification of the area apparent on both sides? And just who worked under and behind the falls to get those colored lights installed?